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The Shared History of the Watershed Curriculum Project


The project will take place in two watersheds and will involve several key partners. 

Elgin School in the Cienega Watershed

Located in the grasslands of the Sonoita Valley, the Elgin School is teaching students to care for and appreciate the delicate, arid landscape upon which so much of the area's livelihood depends. Sixth grade language arts teacher Michelle Siebert and science teacher Annette Koweek opened their classrooms to us and have embraced the project whole-heartedly.

Vail Preservation Society

The VPS has graciously shared their extensive knowledge of oral history best practices with the SHW project. Director J.J. Lamb has conducted many oral history projects in local schools and has shared her knowledge and procedures in support of more youth learning their local history and heritage.

Altar Valley Middle School in the Altar Watershed

STEM Coordinator Kathryn Zanin is working hard to bring this project into the Altar Valley Middle School. The project is an excellent fit for the STEM subjects and will benefit the community by iincreasing

-  awareness of the watershed 

-  conservation awareness to develop good stewardship of the land 

-  critical thinking and problem solving skills as students gather,analyze      and record data

-  communication skills as students interview community members

-  connection to the members of the community

-  appreciation for the elders in the community for their contribution to     the land    

-  Understanding of their role as community members to protect the          watershed

Altar Valley Conservation Alliance

Since its formation in 1995, the AVCA has been working collaboratively to conserve healthy and productive working landscapes, promote a thriving agricultural economy, and sustain a resilient rural community enriched by the culture and history of the Altar Valley.

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